Astrological skepticism


   Skepticism about astrology and psychics is understandable. Astrologers and  psychics can be skeptical about their colleges too. An astro-factor responsible for realism and skepticism is Proserpine. This  hypothetical planet is 13th  from Sun as the 1st . It’s  an unlucky number because it is the 7th Fibonacci, symbolically connected with the fallen 7th archangel Satanail.   But if you count from Saturn, the 7th is Sun, a symbol of God. Satan tried to become God, maybe out of some false interpretation of this numerology, but failed. And could not ever win.  This paradox of  7 as a holy number and 13 as evil must be solved by replacing Satan with a new 7th archangel and astrological interpretation of 13 as a year cycle of true Moon months, 28-day lunars. Moon is the queen of night and stars (because they are not visible in the day), the ruler of Cancer, a night zodiac sign.  Moon can be problematic too  but if you are not afraid of stars these problems can be all solved.

     Stars are a part of Galaxy, the 14th from Sun, Proserpine is the last planetary factor, the 13th. Seven visible individual planets are the basis of all planetary system, the whole number of planetary levels is the 7th Fibonacci number,13, up to Proserpine. Further planets or factors, if they exist, correspond to higher structural levels of the Universe and are not for that reason so connected by their function with Sun, or some other star. They are projections and representatives of Galaxy and distant space. Moon distributes star energy by its cycles  on a human level as well as the energy of Sun, which it reflects. It is an intermediary  between a man and the Universe, or a  man and God. Proserpine as the border of planetary system is an intermediary too. The previous 12th level, Xena (or Vulcan), is connected with zodiac, the year cycle of solar energy. It is internal for the system and does not contact with stars. Galaxy is a part of the Universe, its rotations are a measure of the World’s age.  So 12 and 14 are the lower and upper limits of 13, Proserpine.

     Zodiac is based on 360 degrees, calendar – on 364 days +1. Zodiac can be dived by 12 (30 degrees), calendar can be divided by 13 (28 days). Zodiac is abstract, calendar is concrete. 28 days are a lunar, the cycle of Moon, which returns to its place in one’s horoscope. This is the cycle of personal life, because the Earth is a man (the planet of his habitation) and Moon is its satellite. A zodiac year begins in spring with vegetation on the 21st of March. A calendar year begins in winter with start of the day’s growth. (It is shifted  10 days because of not precise calculation of calendar during three thousands of years, which passed after its start). Another variant of a 13-fases year began in September in Virgo (with 10 days shift too), which is ruled by Proserpine. With which are connected the first 28 days of the cycle, the first phase. Then each phase corresponds to one planet up to Sun, which is connected with the last phase in Lion, the sign of its rule. This year is still used for school and universities. Because Proserpine is collective reason, which helps to study in classes. The start of the cycle in its rule ensures positive conditions for the whole process and its outcome.

        The Universe existed 13 milliards of years before Sun. This is a Proserpine cycle too. Numerological with one-milliard phase. Sun appeared at the start of a new cycle and exists 5 milliards of years. 0r 5/13. Which is a golden proportion. A favorable period for something new. Modern civilizations, our contemporaries, can resonate with Fibonacci numbers in the structure of the Universe and develop in creative, harmonious ways.

      Precession, 26000 years cycle, can be divided by 13 too in 2000-year phases, corresponding to lunar months. Then 500 years correspond to a week and  72 years (one life) – to a day. 1-18 years are  hours from 0 to 6, 18-36 years – from 6 to 12, 36-54 years – from 12 to18, 54-72 years from 18 to 24. Symbolically these stages of a life can be compared to the occupations of one single day.

      Astrological skepticism  is based on knowledge. I don’t believe myths because I know the reality they reflect. I don’t believe in the end of the world in the coming years, or centuries, or millenniums because I know about astrological cycles in planetary systems, in galaxies and in the Universe. I know that Christianity is connected with the era of Pisces as Judaism was the religion of the era of Aries and that the new era of Aquarius (and Lion for southern hemisphere) will give a new religion too. Nothing is absolute in human world, but God. Who creates religions for ages and civilizations as projections of heavenly truths to our earthly world. Psychics can feel versions or potentialities and take them for a reality. That is not a mistake but a conditioned information. Astrologers have the same problem too. Their predictions produce a reaction, which can change what they predict. Better give conditioned predictions from the beginning. Or tell only about really determined events. Which are few, because we have a freedom of will and can choose our future in a very wide range. Especially if we pray. Realism and skepticism are qualities of Capricorn and Virgo, earthly zodiac signs. Taurus is practical and earthly too. The corresponding 10th, 6th and 2nd  houses are also realistic, skeptical, practical on the concrete personal level. In everyday life.

      Galaxies of different types are joint in  inter-galaxy zodiac. Regular galaxies have two focuses: Sun and Saturn. Spiral galaxies have a center, Mercury, and a periphery, Jupiter. Chaotic galaxies have Venus inside and Mars outside. Symmetrical collective planets correspond to the same structures as individual. Thus the center of our Galaxy is Proserpine. Zodiac signs correspond to their rulers. The center of our Galaxy is also Virgo. Besides there is a large galaxies cluster in the constellation of Virgo, about 2 thousands. Our local cluster is 20 galaxies, spiral only three. Both clusters belong to one super-cluster. From the structural point of view a galaxies cluster is Mars (10+5=15) and a super-cluster is Jupiter (10+6=16). The center of our super-cluster in Virgo (from our point of view) gives skeptical quality to all who belongs to it, including our Galaxy and our Star. The opposition to Virgo is Pisces, faith. Two spiral galaxies of our cluster (besides Milky Way) are in this constellation and they influence Hinduism and Buddhism. Which have cosmic dimensions in their mythology. At least they knew long ago about the multiplicity of worlds in the Universe. Andromeda Nebula has two regular satellites, ball and ellipsoid. In both there are spiritual civilizations, visiting the Earth. The leader of the ball galaxy is called Miyol and the leader of the ellipsoid galaxy is called Kalibor. In the mentioned Virgo cluster there is a spiritual civilization with the leader astro-flyer called Galbior. In the center of Milky Way there is a spiritual civilization with the leader called Mayol. Both know our civilization and its religions and support Agni-yoga as a spiritual program for the future leader of our civilization  Maitreya, who will interpret it in a realistic way and establish some contacts with other worlds. The spiritual leader of Antares is Krak Seg Sar.

    The names of most known leaders of Satanists and devil-worshippers, destroyed in a real space war during several past years, are Mariam ( a galaxies net knot), Shemarhan (the ellipsoid satellite of Andromeda Nebula), Chari Kar (Large Magellanic Cloud). There equivalent in our civilization was called Meysheah. (To Christians predicted as Anti-Christ.)

     There are four races in space, the same as on the Earth: white, yellow, red and black. They appeared in this succession as a result of creation and later mutation milliards of years ago and now coexist in most of the worlds. Racial problems sometimes arise but they are not main. More important are now fanatics and egoists as were Satanists and occultists. But these problems are being gradually solved by space religions too. Though it take much time and efforts like any problem on the Earth. In this task we could cooperate with aliens by our art. Which they can record from our radio and TV.

   Contacts -, ICQ – 587277993, Skype - psv377. 

Information is taken from, my life and psychic protection is described in

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