

    Buddhist enlightenment, Zen,  is feeling God’s presence in life, Chinese enlightenment, Taoism,  is feeling God’s presence in nature. Zen is more Japanese though it appeared in China as Taoist interpretation of Buddhist religion and was transferred to Japan by missionaries and samurais.  Enlightenment qualities helped to survive in mortal combat and inspired enlightenment poems and paintings, the basis of Japanese art and culture in general.

    Enlightenment philosophy is hidden pantheism. As Indian religion, its origin. Tao is God’s will, leading all creation, earth and heaven with their inhabitants, from inside along the road of development and improvement. Enlightenment experience is unity with omnipresent God, obedience to his will and fusion with His Spirit in indescribable sea of bliss, called nirvana, meaning absence of strive and suffering. Caused by egoism and illusions of separate existence of men in samsara, material world. In spite of their internal karmic, energetic ties and common origin from God. Enlightenment ideas are similar to hindu religion, Brahmanism, in their common belief in higher Self, inner light, hiding in any human soul like sun behind the clouds in the sky.

    Great enlightenment of Gautama Buddha was reproduced by instant enlightenment of Zen masters, starting from the genuine enlightenment of Hui-neng, the historical founder of Zen. Enlightenment philosopher who was the first to understand Buddhism not as annihilation of personality but as an enlightenment project for life, initiated by Gautama for centuries to come. His enlightenment philosophy revived the essence of Eastern spirituality and gave birth to a growing religion of mystical spirituality now attractive for the West too. The way of Zen from India and China through Japan to America is a spirituality program, designed by God. An ancient religion of the yellow race, which becomes a modern spirituality school for the white.

      Seeking God inside gradually leads mankind to supreme God outside and above. Jewish religion was a revelation from heavens and a continuation of the traditional religions of Asia. Islamic religion is another spirituality success of the same origin, lasting for centuries without any spiritual crisis in the scientific age. Serving personal God by the sword and intellect.

     Angry God, awesome God of Jewish religion, national religion for the chosen, becomes almighty God of Muslim religion, universal religion for everybody. At least in potentiality because Islam in its teaching  is not restricted to Arabs or Asians and we can study and use its ideas for ourselves.  To establish direct personal contact with  eternal God, creator of the worlds.

     Enlightenment is a gift from God, contemplative spirituality liberating men from material illusions and passions, revealing spiritual world. Indian God, pantheistic and internal, though nevertheless real and effective, prepared humanity for Christian religion of faith, hope and love.

    Hidden ties of different religions can be seen in modern times in personal spiritual life, when all religions meet in the democratic space of spiritual interaction and exchange. Especially in America where all new ideas get unprejudiced support if they really work. God bless America for the opportunities it gave to all yogins coming from India  to try their chance for success. True God loves the truth of healthy spirituality, practical spirituality giving people chance to survive

and realize  holy God’s presence in their lives. So that they could praise, honor and glorify God of modern spirituality, living in human hearts. God answers private silent prayers outside temples and churches better than impatient demands of  fanatical crowds, misrepresenting God in their refusal to tolerate alternative spirituality of the new age of Aquarius, opening the era of joint psychology, religion, science and art. God cares for those who trust Him in extreme circumstances,  thanking for the minimum they get for their service to Him and mankind. God desires justice in human society like in angelic and does His best to establish His kingdom on Earth.

     Religious enlightenment, both Eastern and Western, is a way to this new age, new world and new mankind.

Contact - maitreya-yoga@yandex.ru.

Information is taken from http://www.real-results.webs.com, my life and psychic protection is described in http://psv777.narod2.ru.


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