God, aliens and astrology


    Sun, fill our body, soul and spirit with light and warmth!

    God is real. He rules the Earth and Universe by His just laws and we can see His presence in our life summing up all known facts and logically assessing the causes and the consequences of our actions. We can intuitively feel His will in other people’s lives even not knowing all their deeds. We can suppose that He is known to extraterrestrial civilizations too. Otherwise they would not be so tolerant to our developing civilization and would interfere in our affairs in their own interests. But they only watch us and demonstrate their existence by open flights. So that we could get accustomed to their superiority and would be afraid to contact in the future when they start to communicate.

     Aliens are not restricted to their civilizations by the light speed limitation. They can fly in a moment from one star to another. That is they teleport through multidimensional space. Like yogins or fairytale magicians. Which makes them close to astral and mystic experience of human psychics who penetrate into another world and feel space energy working  in their lives.

     Teleportation, both mystical and technological,  changes  mentality and psychology of any scientific materialistic civilization to a wider view on religious topics and undermines belief in physical nature of the world. The light speed limitation is true for physical matter and is not real for astral and mental planes of existence. Teleportation of starships proves existence of another dimensions and after-death life. And that is a way to religion and God.

      Logically we can develop the idea and possibility  of teleportation in a semi-realistic or semi-fantastic way. Supposing teleportation of information between computers ( let us call it Super-Internet) and teleportation of weapons (knives, bullets or bombs). This idea can inspire a fantasy film or book.

     An invisible strike at any distance changes the balance of forces in international and interstellar politics. Many humans and aliens dream of  such power over the world and fight for control over this project and people involved.

     Another variant of space is astrology. Planets, stars and galaxies are  real astral factors influencing our life. God in a horoscope is Sun, its center, starting point and goal. Sun meditation gives energy as well as prayer. Sun, you are our health! Sun, your are our life! Lord, You are our defense! Lord, You are our success! Lord, You are our force! Lord, You are our love! Lord, You are our wisdom! The last word in this meditation or prayer pattern (meant for repetition) can be changed to fit the situation or needs. Without Sun or God  horoscope and life are meaningless, problems are not solved, results are not achieved. Any shift of accent from Sun to  other planets makes horoscope fatalistic and astrological forecasts – pessimistic and negative. That reflects reality because  Sun is absolute, it has no shade as dualistic planets, joining positive and negative aspects of life.

     God helps a spiritual astrologer to find best opportunities for his clients as well as for himself, to avoid possible pitfalls and dangers, illusions and lies. Fate is flexible, it is a combination of variants based  on different interpretations of  one’s horoscope.  People choose their fate, choosing their own subconscious interpretations and consciously choosing astrologers. Difference in forecasts made by different astrological experts is explained by freedom of will. Both persons and nations can  cancel any bad prediction by ethical choice, changing their psychology and attitude towards life. It makes some astrologers with their too deterministic forecasts outdated but  not the astrology in general.

    Besides discovery of opportunities to be realized astrology may be useful in another way. It gives a clue to mantra-yoga.  Astrological meaning of sounds  as elements,  planets and zodiac signs explains psychic, energetic effects of mantras. And opens up perspectives for the conscious correction of fate. M- fire, N – air, L – water, R – earth. A – Saturn and Uranus, E – Jupiter and Neptune, I – Mars and Pluto, O – Venus and Vulcan, U – Mercury and Proserpine. D – Aries, S – Taurus,  J – Gemini, K – Cancer, G – Lion, Sh – Virgo,  Z – Libra, T – Scorpio, V – Sagittarius,  B – Capricorn, P – Aquarius,  F -  Pisces. (Creation of personal mantras with this know-how requires my permission, otherwise they won’t work)

    Positive, harmonious, creative and transcendental aspects of planets show what sounds can be joined in one combination, mantra. Distribution of planets in houses and zodiac signs show desired accents on solution of problems. M means not only fire but Sun too, because it is the source of energy, denoted by fire. Mantras ending with M lead to God, or enlightenment, inspiration, creativity and fame. On material level Sun is children or gold. Well-known mantras Om and Aum are an example of such symbolic sound programs, giving results for spirit, soul and body. Spiritual liberation, talent and wealth.  One more mantra of the same type is Yeum. Meaning Pluto-Jupiter-Mercury-Sun combination in my horoscope. It’s a key to my knowledge and energy, a code to switch on my support. Or to contact with God through my school.  These transcendental mantras can be united in Aum Yeum Om, more convenient for mental and oral repetition because of some rhythm. 

     Aliens use transcendental mantras too. They are common to all  civilizations visiting the Earth. Because we have common relatives in a distant past and common religious ideas. Coming from one and the same God. New transcendental mantra Yeum is spreading now. As a new revelation and new source of wisdom and power from the center of our Galaxy, which is from our point of view in Scorpio/Sagittarius and is ruled by Pluto and Jupiter. Milky Way and its satellites, Magellanic Clouds, with nearest galaxies are the source of the space humanity, our elder brothers, for the whole of the universe. Other visible galaxies are less and later inhabited.   The rest of the universe is not yet humanized at all.

    You may ask how do I know it? Try mantras, old and new, develop extrasensory perception, contact with aliens and you will learn it too.  Extraterrestrial civilizations, patronizing the Earth, support  Agni-yoga and similar teachings  about space. Preparing mankind for future contacts. Self-improvement and self-help, both personal and collective, are  main conditions for human breakthrough into space. Elder brothers can help only those who do the best themselves.  The changeable prayer and mantras, which can be personal, based on one’s horoscope, are new methods of religious and cosmic exploration, compatible with alien cultures and opening the coming age of Aquarius, the 2-thousand-years era  of space contacts and cooperation, predicted by many spiritual astrologers and visionaries. The era of the Third Testament of The Holy Spirit, predicted by saints. 

    The end of the age (not of the world), mentioned in Bible, is the end of 2-thousand-years era of Pisces, or The New Testament. The Old Testament was the era of Aries. Brahmanism was the era of Taurus. Ancient Chinese religions, revived as Confucianism and Taoism, were in the eras of Gemini and Cancer. Each era lasting exactly 2155 years. Or approximately 60x 36=2160. As prefer most astrologers. (60 years are the resonance of 5 Jupiter cycles and 2 Saturn cycles, the source of the Eastern calendar).

  Contacts - personal.mantra@gmail.com, ICQ – 587277993, Skype - psv377. 

Information is taken from http://www.personal-mantra.webs.com, my life and psychic protection is described in http://psv777.narod2.ru.


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