

   Maitreya-yoga is based on Maitreya Buddha’s spiritual experience. Who he is? It’s a question to be solved by your personal religious studies and religious experience.  For he is secret. Because  there is an illuminati Maitreya Antichrist, his rival promoted by masons and Jews. True Maitreya is Buddha, an enlightened person, and Antichrist Maitreya is a Talmudic false prophet, who even never studied Buddhism. Maitreya’s genuine enlightenment is a gift of God, a new beginning of Buddhism, joint with Western spirituality. And  illuminati Maitreya is just an enemy of Christianity, who wanted to use Agni-yoga as an alternative to Orthodox Church and an  advertisement of himself. True Maitreya achieved enlightenment for its own sake without any political ambitions and plans. He wanted to understand the meaning of life and realized God’s presence in its every moment as its essence and real content. He understood that the meaning of life is in life itself, in its present moment here and now. That life is like a music and its dissonances are always solved in a final consonance. In spite of all evil and suffering in the middle. That human nature is beauty and harmony, you need only to see it and feel. You may and must enjoy every moment of your existence no special reason just because life is good. Like the light, that God emitted from Himself at the start of the world.

   Maitreya-Buddhism is the same as traditional in its basic experience but more positive in  expressions and terms. Eastern culture in general prefers negative description of God, Western – affirmative. Maitreya-Buddha explained his vision as “feeling of life”. Later after acquaintance with philosophy and theology – as pantheism. Or omnipresent God. The all-pervading Holy Spirit, creative power of Divine Personality. Primary light.

   Another Maitreya’s project is his interpretation of Agni-yoga  from biblical point of view. Maitreya-yoga  treats space energy as divine manifestation through multi-dimensional space seen as projection from universe. Because cosmos has different planes: physical, aether, astral, mental and causal or spiritual. God is the prime cause of everything and the cause of Himself. Casual plane is divine, transcendental to all other planes of  existence as heaven to earth. As Kingdom of God to kingdom of men. The main practice of Maitreya-yoga is mantra meditation, which is safe and easy for all.  Maitreya combined two known in traditional yoga mantras with a new power mantra into Aum Yeum Om. For transcendental contact with God. And offered its combination with his name – Om Maitreya, Om Maitreya, Aum Yeum Om Maitreya. For those who want to go his way.

   After Buddhism and Hinduism he studied Christianity, Judaism and Islam. After human religions he explored space, alien extraterrestrial worlds and discovered that God and Satan are known there too. And that our spiritual problems are common to the whole universe. On this basis he found alien allies and participated on astral level in their space war against Satanists and devil-worshippers in other galaxies and in very distant space. On Earth as a continuation of this war he stopped, exposed and isolated Antichrist, who was an associate  of space Satanists.

     Now Maitreya is exploring Internet under his secular name as an ordinary man. Searching for a new interesting job and new friends. He knows astrology and religion and can give expert advice on any spiritual or psychological problem. Through in Russian in English and in both. His advice can be free and paid. His time is limited because he must earn his living himself and his free consultation will be short. Paid consultations are cheaper then any other in the web. Similar in quality and content. He doesn’t want much money  but some he really needs.

   Maitreya-yoga is completely free. As any religion should be. But free astrology in the web is a deceit. It is everywhere paid. Free astrological reading is just a trap for beginners,  alluring them into paid consultations. Any real information in that way can’t be received. Or even worse – it is produced by a computer program and has no real value for a concrete man. Especially all instant answers for SMS. For his fee Maitreya uses an intermediary – the owner of for the West and http://personal-horoscope.narod,ru for the East. To keep his name and location secret for masons and Jew who might want some revenge for their defeat.

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